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Optical Glasses

Our Services

Dr. Mendoza and Dr. Cross offer many services in our office. We want to be the ones to help with your vision. 

Call Our Office to Schedule an Appointment or if you have any questions about our services. 

(775) 322 - 3777


Glasses Exam


Full Vision Exam workup. Checks health of the eyes and prescribes Glasses Prescription. 


Foreign Object Removal


Foreign Object Removal is the same as an emergency health exam. Evaluates the health problem and doctor will use his tools to remove the object from patient eyes.


Contacts Exam


Full Vision Exam workup. Checks health of the eyes. Prescribes Glasses Prescription, Contacts Prescription and will leave our office with a pair of Contact Trials.


Physical Vision Loss Conditions

Every Exam preformed in our office receives a health check, where Dr. looks for any diseases causing blindness and low vision. If Dr. finds these diseases during your exam, you will immediately be referred to receive treatment with a specialist. Example. Glaucoma, Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Retinal Hemorrhage etc. 


Emergency Health Exam


Evaluates the emergency health problem and diagnosis health issue. Prescribes antibiotics if needed and sends referral to specialist if needed. 



Full Vision Exams also can treat Dry Eyes, Itching Eyes, Watery Eyes, Allergies, Burning Eyes, Pain, Irritation, Loss of Vision, Neurology Issues, Stroke, Heart Attack, Bell's Polsy etc. 

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